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FMCSA Register Selection Page Help

The FMCSA Register lists all of the decisions and notices that were released on a specific date. There are two ways to access the FMCSA Register, either through the Report option or the HTML Detail option.

Click REPORT to see the FMCSA Register in a viewer that allows you to print, export and search the data. This viewer must be downloaded and is not accessible with a non-visual browser.
Note: Users must have access to Adobe Acrobat Reader to display the reports.

HTML Detail
Click HTML DETAIL to launch the option that is fully accessible with visual and non-visual browsers.

Hyperlinks pointing to each section of the report and to the top and bottom of the report appear throughout the HTML version of the Register.

The links allow users to navigate quickly between sections of the report (i.e., "Name Change", "Involuntary Revocation", "Certificate, Permit, License", "Dismissal", "Withdrawal", "Transfer", and "Grant Decision Notices").
Click on a link to move to that section of the report.

Click DATE LIST to return to the FMCSA Register Date Selection page.

FMCSA Register HTML Detail Help

Date List Button

Click DATE LIST to return to the FMCSA Register Date Selection page.


Hyperlinks pointing to each section of the report appear at the top and bottom of the Register, as well as at the bottom of each section. The links allow users to navigate quickly between sections of the report (i.e., "Name Change", "Involuntary Revocation", "Certificate, Permit, License", "Dismissal", "Withdrawal", and "Grant Decision Notices").

Clicking on a link will bring you to the top of that section of the report.
